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UWWT_Dyna_WM_2014 (MapServer)
API Reference
Generate KML (UrbanWasteWater/UWWT_Dyna_WM_2014)
Document Name:
UWWT agglomerations treatment pathways(0)
Waste water treatment pathways by member state (1)
Waste water treatment agglomerations by size(2)
UWWTD Agglomerations - Big cities/dischargers(3)
Waste water treatment pathways in Big cities(4)
UWWTD treatment plants(5)
No. of UWWT plants by treatment type by Member State(6)
UWWT plants by treatment type(7)
UWWT plants performance compliance of the plants(8)
UWWT plants performance compliance of the plants BOD(9)
UWWT plants performance compliance of the plants COD(10)
UWWT plants performance compliance of the plants N(11)
UWWT plants performance compliance of the plants P(12)
UWWTD receiving areas, catchments(13)
Individual receiving areas(14)
Sensitive river(15)
Sensitive coast line(16)
Sensitive lake(17)
Sensitive coastal area(18)
Sensitive transitional water(19)
Catchments - sensitivity type(20)
Layer Options:
All layers as a single composite image (Layers can't be turned on and off in client)
Each layer as a separate image
Vector layers as vectors and raster layers as images