Waste water treatment pathways by member state (1)
| |
| Rate_UWWstrin |
| Rate_UWWsec |
| Rate_UWWprim |
| Rate_UWWno |
| Rate_IAS |
| Rate_raw |
Waste water treatment agglomerations by size (2)
| 2000 - 10.000 p.e. |
| 10.001 - 100.000 p.e. |
| > 100.000 p.e. |
Waste water treatment pathways in Big cities (4)
| |
| Rate_UWWstrin |
| Rate_UWWsec |
| Rate_UWWprim |
| Rate_UWWno |
| Rate_IAS |
| Rate_raw |
No. of UWWT plants by treatment type by Member State (6)
| |
| Count_stringent |
| Count_secondary |
| Count_primary |
| Count_no_treat |
UWWT plants by treatment type (7)
| More stringent treatment |
| Secondary treatment |
| Primary treatment |
| No treatment |
UWWT plants performance compliance of the plants BOD (9)
| yes |
| no |
| Implementation deadline not expired |
| Implementation deadline expired |
UWWT plants performance compliance of the plants COD (10)
| yes |
| no |
| Implementation deadline not expired |
| Implementation deadline expired |
UWWT plants performance compliance of the plants N (11)
| yes |
| no |
| Implementation deadline not expired |
| Implementation deadline expired |
UWWT plants performance compliance of the plants P (12)
| yes |
| no |
| Implementation deadline not expired |
| Implementation deadline expired |
Sensitive river (15)
Sensitive coast line (16)
Sensitive lake (17)
Sensitive coastal area (18)
Sensitive transitional water (19)
Catchments - sensitivity type (20)
Catchments (21)
| Application of Art. 5(8) |
| Normal area |
| Sensitive area |